While it is normal for a man's testosterone levels to decline one to two percent as they age, the dramatic decrease that was witnessed during the study was not. Not only did the loss of testosterone affect a man's sex life, it also effected his quality of life as well. Loss of energy, mood swings, and even a higher risk of health related complications were all dramatically increased due to lack of sleep and lower hormonal levels. Which is why it was not surprising when many men who were asked if they would prefer to sleep or have intercourse stated that they would rather sleep.
The Bottom Line: Get More Sleep!
We have long known that sleep is healthy and necessary, and now it seems that it is more important than ever. Lack of sleep can effect our mental and physical health, along with sexual arousal and libido. While it is recommended that men get between 7-8 hours of sleep a night, it can be difficult. Most men find that they can function normally on a schedule that includes at least 6 hours of sleep a night. For some men, establishing a regular sleep pattern can take time, but simply going to bed at the same time every night can help to train the mind and body to begin to relax and shut down. Some tips for making it easier to fall asleep include turning off the lights and the television set, along with making sure the bedroom is a comfortable temperature. Regular diet and exercise can also improve sleep patterns and a man's general health.Conclusion
It may have already been widely accepted that sleep is important to a man's physical and psychological health, but it also plays an important role in his sexual life. Consistent lack of sleep can not only result in irritability, but it can also dramatically lower a man's testosterone level. With the lower levels of the male sex hormone, male sexual problems and his ability to become aroused can decrease leading to frustration and anxiety in the bedroom.While it is probably difficult to get the required amount of sleep every night, even adding an hour or two can help to improve testosterone production and allow men to lead active and satisfying sexual lives without worrying over performance issues or simply being to fatigue to even become aroused. A little sleep can make a difference in every aspect of your life, and it is never too late to start learning how to sleep better.