
Showing posts with label Viagra side effect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viagra side effect. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Viagra Proven to Be Positive for Relationships!

In these tough times, when relationships take a moment to collapse and partners find a silly reason worth parting for, people who sustain themselves in a bond for a long time are highly admirable. Marital relationships are the most difficult to retain and the most vulnerable to breakage. 

A marital relationship is indeed a beautiful one but easily pliable too. You need a lot of adjustments, love, understanding, and off course sexual compatibility to keep things going for long in a marital relationship. Sexual problems are very common nowadays and are one of the leading causes of break-ups and divorces among couples. 

Sexual problems are experienced by both men and women. This leads to difficulty in giving rise to progenies. Either one could be responsible for the infertility; however, women are mostly blamed for this. Men, in fact, have more percentage to contribute towards a couple’s infertility. However, many men cannot bear the stigma of being an infertile male as this may lead to self-doubting and loss of self-esteem. As a man, you cannot afford to lose your ego, which is very much linked to sexual performance. 

If as a couple, you really want to save your relationship from going down the drain, you may try these techniques to boost your fertility. Infertility or Impotence in men is not an issue that is permanent or cannot be resolved. ED or Erectile Dysfunction is the leading cause of infertility in men. It is the inability to achieve or sustain erections long enough to allow for the female to get pregnant. 

Pointers to Resolve ED

  1. You may try Viagra as the first line of treatment for ED. Always consult your doctor first, or if you wish to buy Viagra online to avail discounts, consult an online doctor first, and then order the pill. Many men prefer to go for the online purchase in order to save themselves from the embarrassment that comes with facing a doctor or a chemist directly. 
  2. Viagra is a solution to ED but only when you are aroused. When you are suffering from lack of libido, then Viagra may not show its impact. It will only serve the purpose of sustaining your erections for a longer time but not enhancing your sexual desires. It is a performance enhancer and not a sexual enhancer. The effect of Viagra starts showing within 30 minutes, and the effects last for 4 hours. 
  3. Avoid excess of fat in your meals as obesity is a big deterrent in sexual performance. An obese man is low in self-confidence and hence, may perform poorly. Moreover, if you are consuming Viagra, it is better not to eat fatty food 2 hours prior to the consumption of the pill. This is because fat in the blood hinders the absorption of the ingredients of the pill. You won’t get full benefits of the pill if it isn’t absorbed completely into the blood. Excess of fat also leads to cholesterol deposition in the arteries, leading to poor blood circulation. Viagra is meant to increase the girth of the penis, which can now better sustain erections. So, cutting fat in your diet does a world of good to your overall health and sexual performance. 
  4. Abstain from drinking too much alcohol before you take the pill as it inhibits the absorption of the latter into the blood. Moreover, alcohol dampens sexual performance. 
  5. If you are having health issues like diabetes or high blood pressure, consult your doctor before you buy Viagra online, else you may face serious consequences. 

Viagra is just a pill that solves one of the problems of your sexual life, namely ED. Though it works wonderfully, don’t expect it to solve all your problems at once. You and your partner need to have a thorough understanding of each other’s needs and enough patience to make your marital life an enjoyable and peaceful one.